Software Edukasi Astronomi


Kehadiran software-software astronomi, membuat pembelajaran tentang bintang, planet dan kawan-kawanya menjadi lebih mudah dan menyenangkan. Salah satu software edukasi tersebut adalah software yang dinamakan CELESTIA. Sofwtare ini menampilkan grafis 3 dimensi. Membuka software ini, seakan kita diajak untuk menjelajah luar angkasa. Terutama, matahari dan planet-planetnya ditampilkan secara akurat dan nampak relistis. Software ini cocok untuk pembelajaran Astronomi bagi anak sekolah.

Gambar. Tampilan Awal CELESTIA

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Berikut ini penjelasan dari Software CELESTIA

* A real-time space simulation that lets you experience our universe in
* three dimensions.

Celestia will start up in a window, and if everything is working correctly, you'll see Earth in front of a field of stars. Displayed on-screen, is some information about your target (Earth), your speed, and the current time
(Universal Time, so it'll probably be a few hours off from your computer's clock).

Right drag the mouse to orbit Earth and you might see the Moon and some familiar constellations. Left dragging the mouse changes your orientation also, but the camera rotates about its center instead of rotating around Earth. Rolling the mouse wheel will change your distance to Earth--you can move light years away, then roll the wheel in the opposite direction to get back to your starting location. If your mouse lacks a wheel, you can use the Home and End keys instead.

When running Celestia, you will usually have some object selected. Currently, it's Earth, but it could also be a star, moon, spacecraft, galaxy, or some other object. The simplest way to select an object is to click on it. Try clicking on a star to select it. The information about Earth is replaced with some details about the star. Press G (or use the Navigation menu), and you'll zoom through space toward the selected star. If you press G again, you'll approach the star even closer.

Press H to select our Sun, and then G to go back to our Sun. Right click on the sun to bring up a menu of planets and other objects in the solar system. After selecting a planet from the menu, hit G again to travel toward it. Oncethere, hold down the right mouse button and drag to orbit the planet.

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