Asal-usul Sains Modern: The Origins of Modern Science

Sudahkah kita diajarkan sejarah yang sebenarnya?
Apakah ketenaran Newton dan Galileo berdasarkan dongeng?
Budaya mana yang menjadi sumber sains modern - Timur atau Barat?
Bagaimana Barat bisa memproduksinya jika direndam di zaman kegelapan?
Apakah Da Vinci hanyalah seorang pelukis dan desainer, tidak pernah menjadi ilmuwan?

Pelajari asal mula sains modern dan juga penemuan seperti teleskop, kompas, potongan waktu, kacamata, matematika modern, kedokteran modern, dan banyak lagi. Akhirnya, pelajari kebenaran setelah berabad-abad mis informasi.

Pelajari dari buku yang berjudul  "Science in The Name of God: How Men of God Originated the Sciences" Author: Dr. Kasem Khaleel, for ordering information write to: Knowledge House P.O. Box 4855 Buffalo Grove, Illinois 60089."

Pada umumnya, dipercayai bahwa para sarjana-sarjana dari Yunani kuno lah yang mula-mula menemukan prinsip-prinsip sains modern. Yunani berkuasa selama 500 tahun. Romawi selama 600 tahun. Kerajaannya begitu besar, salah satunya di Romawi.

Namun sebenarnya hal itu tetap tidak bisa dibandingkan dengan kerajaan Islam saat berada di puncak peradabannyanya. Begitu pula aturan Rajanya. Selain itu hasil karya sastra dan ilmiah juga sangat minim. Bahkan dengan pencapaian yang terjadi di Yunani juga tidak bisa dibandingkan dengan pencapaian kejayaan Islam. Para ulama Islam berkarya jauh melebihi Yunai baik dalam bidang sains, filsafat maupun agama.

Selama era dinasti Romawi produksi literatur sangat minim. Di medieval barat bahkan tidak ada.

Pada puncak kejayaannya, di abad ke-13, perpustakaan Kairo berisi sekitar 2juta buku. Perpustakaan di Tripoli menyimpan buku lebih banyak lagi. Jutaan buku tidak dikenal dapat ditemukan di perpustakaan Spanyol.

Manuskrip tak terhitung lainnya ada di perpustakaan umum Baghdad, Mosul, Ravi, Samarkand, Allepo dan Damaskus. Perpustakaan pribadi penguasa, pejabat, dan sarjana berisi ribuan buku masing-masing.

Lima juta buku yang ada dalam perpustakaan dari Kairo dan Tripoli sendiri mewakili jumlah yang sangat besar untuk sebuah era awal. Dengan demikian, puluhan jutaan buku dibagikan ke seluruh Luasnya Kekaisaran Islam. Terlebih lagi hampir semua buku-buku ini ditulis dengan tangan. )

Have we been taught true history? Is Newton and Galileo's fame based upon fables? Which cultures were the true sources of modern science- Eastern or western? How could the West produce it if it was immersed in the dark ages? Was Da Vinci merely a painter and designer, never a scientist? Learn the real origins of modern science as well as discoveries like the telescope, compas, time pieces, eye glasses, modern mathematics, modern medicine, and more. Finally, learn the truth after centuries of mis information.

Learn it from the book which is titled "Science in The Name of God: How Men of God Originated the Sciences" Author: Dr. Kasem Khaleel, for ordering information write to: Knowledge House P.O. Box 4855 Buffalo Grove, Illinois 60089.

On his intoduction of his book (the book), Kasem Khaleel said:
It commonly belived that the scholars of ancient Greece originated the principles of modern science. The Greeks ruled the world 500 years. The Romans controled it for nearly 600 years. Their empires were massives, the Roman one being the most considerable. Yet, neither achieved the size nor grandeur if the Islamic Empire at its zenith. Nor did the rule as king. Furthermore, their literary and scientific output were incomparably less. Even with the spectacular acomplishments of the Greeks there simply is no comparison to those achieved in the era of Islam. The Islamic scholars thoroughly exceeded Grecian output in the exact sciences as well as in religion and philosophy.

During the Roman dynasty the production of literature was minimal. In the medieval West it was non-existent.

At its pinnacle during the thirteenh century the Cairo library contained some two million books. The library in Tripoli housed an even greater amount. Untold millions of books could be found in th libraries of Spain. Other uncountable manuscrips existed in the public libraries of Baghdad, Mosul, Ravy, Samarkand, Aleppo and Damscus. Private libraries of rulers, dignitaries, and scholars contained thousands of books each. The five million books which existed within libraries of Cairo and Tripoli alone represented an incredibly large amount for such an early era. Thus, tens of millions of books were distributed throughout the wide extent of the Islamic Empire. What's more virtually all of these books were hand/written.


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